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Registration page TenneT

Everyone wants to remain employable! Sometimes it is nice if a company physiotherapist (Health and Safety Advisor) can give you tips and advice if you are not comfortable at your desk or if you are suffering from early physical complaints. If you have any questions, you can also contact the advisor of TIGRA.

Employability consultation

This is a low-threshold consultation hour where you can discuss ( starting) physical complaints or just ask for advice. This can be about your workplace, your work situation or physical complaints you experience while working.

Workplace research

During the Workplace Research, our advisor looks at your current workstation and how it can be improved. The advisor looks at your position and workplace settings. For example, is the chair right? How is the distance from the computer keyboard? Does an employee have good lifting technique? Small ergonomic adjustments can make a world of difference. With the research we identify how you can work more healthy in your workplace. You get specific advice and tips.

Sign up

Do you want to sign up for the Employability Consultation or Workplace Research? Then fill in the form below!

Sign up form